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Ways to Style Your Work-From-Home Wardrobe

Remote work usually comes with fewer dress code constraints. For some, this is a breath of fresh air to experience more freedom with dressing comfortably.

 However, others might miss having the opportunity to dress up for the day. If you are wondering about different ways to style your work-from-home wardrobe, read on for tips!

@C.Chanporn via Twenty20

Ways to Style Your Work-From-Home Wardrobe

Embrace It

Some of us are more inclined to lean into the freedom of wearing whatever we want to throughout the day. However, instead of avoiding dressing up for the day, what about welcoming it?

It’s all too easy to settle into a routine and find the path of least resistance while working from home. When we deliberately choose to wear a particular outfit, we will naturally embrace the feeling associated with what we put on our bodies.

Energize It

Since clothes can be a method to transform our mental state, why not use them to help us feel invigorated? If you have an upcoming 1-on-1 with a client or an important presentation to prepare for, then dressing for the part may help you work more productively.

Clothes can influence our mood, confidence, and attitude. There are many different clothing styles to choose from to express ourselves. If you dress like you’re a boss, chances are you will perform and create like you’re on top. For days that you need a little extra oomph, opt for spending more time getting ready before your workday.

Relax It

On the contrary, another way to style your work from-home-wardrobe is to dress in ways that help settle your mind. This could look like choosing a flowing blouse or an off-the-shoulder knitted sweater with a nice pair of black leggings.

When you are experiencing anxiety or an unstoppable train of racing thoughts, dressing more comfortably has a way of soothing you. Natural colors, lighter makeup, and neutral designs can help balance a chaotic mind.

@tehhydina via Twenty20

What we wear has an impact on us. By having more freedom to wear what we want while working from home, there is an opportunity to use this to your advantage.